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Japanese Acupuncture

Indirect moxibustion was applied to the acupuncture points of Daitsui and bilateral Fu-chi . In FTLE 2001, other acupuncture points were added dependent on the symptoms of the subjects. The needles used in FTLE 2001 have a fine pin press type surface, are 0.9 mm in needle length with a ring handle of 2.8 mm diameter with 10 × 10 mm adhesive tape, sterilized and individually packaged (Pyonex, Seirin Co. Ltd). These were used at one center as safe and easily applicable unique Japanese style acupuncture and are usually employed as a sham intervention. In 1999, this project started as a pilot study for acupuncture RCT with two arms (real and no-treatment control).
You will learn how to palpate and find the acupoint with your partner. Moreover, the licensed acupuncturist will insert a needle if you wish. Practitioners claim moxibustion to be especially effective in the treatment of chronic problems, "deficient conditions" , and gerontology. Bian Que (fl. circa 500 BCE), one of the most famous semi-legendary doctors of Chinese antiquity and the first specialist in moxibustion, discussed the benefits of moxa over acupuncture in his classic work Bian Que Neijing. He asserted that moxa could add new energy to the body and could treat both excess and deficient conditions. Practitioners use moxa to warm regions and meridian points with the intention of stimulating circulation through the points and inducing a smoother flow of blood and qi. Some believe it can treat conditions associated with the "cold" or "yang deficiencies" in Chinese Medicine.

Minor wheals infrequently developed and cream helped to heal these without scarring. Regarding the press type circular skin needle, no severe adverse events were reported. Direct moxibustion was used in one center in FTLE 2002 without severe adverse event. The estimated marginal means of the 15 items in acupuncture group and the control group are shown. In the acupuncture group, initial high scores of EMM tended to decrease and the scores continued until the end of trial. Figure 4 shows the estimated marginal means of all 15 items of CCQ during the experimental periods. The upper traces are those of acupuncture and the lower ones were those of control groups.
His treatments sought to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and he was engaged in research showing the efficacy of teishin devices versus needle. Psychological problems primarily involve imbalances of the kidney and heart, as well as the liver and spleen, with the Bladder and Du channels acting as important regulators. He used the afternoon to demonstrate various techniques, while supervising and training the students in the group. Master Yamada applies direct moxa using 5-7 extremely tiny pieces, the size of a sesame seed. Besides balancing channels and torso, there is a basic Sawada protocol to promote health and immune function. Here, direct moxa is applied to Ren 12, Ren 6 , SJ 4 , LI 11, St 36 and Ki3 or 6.

This finding indicates that it is possible to control the amount of heat transfer by controlling the voltage applied to the radiation heating device. We thus anticipate a precise temperature control within the treated region, which will prevent the risk of burn injury. It is possible to estimate the relationship between the amount of heat transfer and the temperature of the skin at the time of hyperthermia treatment by using this formula. Research has confirmed that the preset temperature can be maintained at other pre-set temperatures . Figure 8B shows the time change after removing the device and the change of skin temperature distribution after the device heated the skin. This indicates that the heated surface maintained a nearly uniform temperature after heating.
— Acupuncture is rapidly becoming a common alternative therapy for various physical disorders. But many people may not realize that acupuncture also has a long history in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders.
We developed three types of devices with heat conduction and one type with radiation heat . If, as seems to be the case, moxibustion treatment can be applied in modern medical settings, then it is possible to anticipate greater treatment efficacy.

The only "shortcoming" in her research methods is that she did not undergo okyu treatments as part of her participant-observation approach. A research strategy for the study of moxibustion as proposed in this paper would enable greater insight into this interesting form of healing than is presently available. The research strategy proposed would also help vitiate Harris's rigid distinction between the ernie and etic approaches. Acupuncture is a traditional form of medicine originating in ancient China and introduced to Japan about 1500 years ago. The historical development of this medical technology was quite different in Japan than in its "home" country of China. The island civilization of Japan added unique theories and treatment methods to the practice of acupuncture.
By studying Han dynasty medical works such as the Shang Han Lun, they developed Kampo, a uniquely Japanese approach to herbal medicine. The Gosei school also emerged, which sought to combine the ancient theory of the Nanjing classic with modern techniques and discoveries. “Direct Moxa” is also sometimes used, particularly in Japanese style moxibustion therapy. They two main techniques of Japanese direct moxa are called Okyu and Chinetsukyu. Finally, there is a method in which a moxa cone is set upon another medium such as ginger, garlic, or salt, and then lit until the patient feels too warm.

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials are burned very close to the patient’s skin on or around acupuncture points to facilitate healing. The “thread moxa” cone or punk sizes are usually very small, ranging from the size of a thread, sesame seed or grain of rice. The radiation heating treatment device can heat at certain temperatures without making any contact, which keeps the risk of burn injury at a minimum.
This device was developed for the purpose of radiation-based treatment of the body without direct contact with or heating of the skin. Because this device is capable of treating Acupuncture and moxibustion the patient without making contact with the skin, the device can be applied to other regions of the body that are difficult to reach during and immediately after surgery.

Ultimately, this leads to a very effective tool to warm the patient when that is the required aspect of therapy. Moxa, or Moxibustion, is a traditional tool of Chinese Medicine in which the herb Ai Ye , commonly known as Mugwort Leaf, is burned near, or sometimes on, the skin in order to warm specific areas on the body. Practitioners may use acupuncture needles made of various materials in combination with moxa, depending on the direction of qi flow they wish to stimulate. Japanese needles tend to be a smaller gauge, while also typically being sharper than Chinese needles. Many say that this is the reason for a gentler, more superficial needling with less pain on the patient. Chinese acupuncture tends to manipulate the needle when inserted into the body much more than Japanese acupuncture. In 1868, the government of Japan ended any support for Japanese traditional medicine and Western medicine became the main medical practice.
Because of this strong response, the practitioners of Shiraku method are required to have sufficient knowledge of how and when they should or should not apply this method. The Traditional Japanese Acupuncture program will begin looking at the history and background of Japanese Acupuncture with Atsuki Maeda.
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